Importing Windows fonts in Mandriva

This post would be helpful for those having a dual boot of Windows and Mandriva.

Pre-requisites : your Windows partitions have to be mounted and this could well be done easily thru’ the Mandriva Control Center.

Now you can easily import Windows fonts in Mandriva . Mandriva Control Center to the rescue !!!

Just open the Mandriva Control Center (System->Administration->Configure your Computer).

You would be prompted to enter your root password.Enter it.

In the Control center,choose the “System” and in that you would see an option called “Manage,add and remove fonts ,import Windows fonts“. Click on it.Mandriva Linux Control Center 2009

In the dialog box that opens you could find a button labelled “Get Windows Fonts” .

All you have to do is to click on that button and Mandriva would take care of the rest 🙂 Now you can use Windows fonts in all Mandriva applications that allow you to choose the fonts. Cheers !